One Year of Gratitude — Day 233

Joshua Briley
1 min readFeb 21, 2018


As I type this, I am listening to a recent band rehearsal. The recordings were done on the equipment pictured above — my home studio. On the surface, this may not sound like exciting information. For me, it is thrilling. I am hearing the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am learning. I am growing as a musician. More importantly, our band is growing as a result of this immediate feedback loop.

One of my lifelong desires is to have a full studio at home. What you see above is my beginnings in seeing this dream to fruition. I am extremely grateful to have this set of tools at my disposal. It is an aural mirror of sorts. It’s humbling. It is a source of truth that my musical ego cannot dispute.

And that is your gratitude for today.



Joshua Briley

I’m sharing my daily stories of gratitude for a year. Thanks for reading.